10 Great Company Website Designs in Houston

10/08/2013 5 min read Written by Lynton

Great Company  Houston Websites Designs Building a great website is harder than most people realize. I didn’t even realize how difficult it was until I began working at LyntonWeb. Website redesigns require a large amount of research, planning, and logic. Every day I see plenty of websites - some great, some mediocre, and some absolutely terrible.

I thought it might be a fun exercise to look at Houston websites and find some great ones. So I asked around the office and had a few people help me find 10 Houston websites (not built by LyntonWeb to be fair) that stood out as great for some reason.

The following is some of the criteria we used to judge these Houston websites:

Navigation: The navigation on a website makes a huge difference. The best navigations use clear language that specifically tells the visitor what they will get if they click on that page. Great navigations also are typically 5 options or less. Too many options are confusing to visitors. Give them the most important options for your business (and specifically your website visitors).

Calls to Action: Is it clear what the website visitor can and should do on your website? Without calls to action, probably not. Make your website visitors’ lives easy - tell them where they should go for what they want.

Color Scheme: The color scheme is very important when it comes to readability. If you have bright red font on a yellow background, visitors probably aren’t going to stay on your site very long because it’s hard to read. Make sure your website has a visually pleasing color scheme.

Responsive/Mobile Friendly: More and more people are using their smart phone or tablet to search and browse the web. It’s crucial to have a responsive or mobile friendly website.

Buyer Persona Focused: You can make great decisions on all the above elements, but if your website isn’t geared directly towards your buyer persona(s), your website isn’t worth much. It’s crucial a website is built with their customers and future customers in mind.

Content: Obviously you can’t have a website without any content - the website would be blank. Important things to look for when it comes to website content is if it speaks to the buyer persona(s), if it is interesting and helpful, and if there is new content added frequently and consistently.

With those criteria in mind, here are our top Houston website picks:

Website Navigation Calls-To-Action Color Scheme Mobile Friendly Buyer Persona Focused Content Quality
Houston Food Bank X X X X X X
Space Center X X X X X X
Oxheart X   X X X  
The Children's Museum of Houston X X   X X X
La Casa del Caballo X X X X    
Roost X X X X    
KSBJ Contemporary Christian Music X X X X   X
Buffalo Brewery X X X   X X
Perry's Steakhouse X X X X X  
Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa X X X X X  

Did we miss one of your favorite Houston websites? Share it with us and why you think it’s great.

By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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