5 Great Examples of Contextual Marketing for your HubSpot Website

07/22/2019 4 min read Written by Corie Stark

Today’s customers expect companies to tailor experiences specifically to them. You can do this through contextual marketing - a strategy that focuses on visitors’ needs, habits, and goals to create a personalized website experience. Through HubSpot, utilizing personalized content across your forms, webpages, and other content is well within reach.

If you’re new to contextual marketing, here are some great ways to begin implementing across your marketing efforts.

Smart Forms/Progressive Profiling

As most marketers recognize, forms are a quick and easy way to capture information and begin segmenting users. With HubSpot’s smart content functionality, you can make your forms contextual by creating smart forms or using progressive profiling.

Creating a smart form allows you to change an entire form depending on your visitor and their characteristics. You can base your rules on:

Country: determined by your visitor’s IP address and displays content based on their country

Device type: fits your content to the device your visitor is using (mobile, tablet, or desktop)

Referral source: presents visitors content based on how they found your site (social media, email, direct traffic, etc.)

Preferred language: displays content in the language preferred by the user based on their web browser

Lifecycle stage: changes the content in your form fields based on what stage your visitor is at in their customer journey.

Contact list membership: shows a visitor specific content if they’re a member of one of your HubSpot lists

HubSpot forms also have built-in functionality that swaps out form fields based on known contact properties. That means if someone completes your form once, when they re-visit, those initial fields will be hidden and replaced with new ones. Doing this helps further qualify visitors by asking them new questions as well as they engage more with your brand.


HubSpot’s chatbot tool automates conversational tasks and more. With no coding experience required, you can quickly launch your bot experience. After that, it’s simple to customize your bot to adhere to your brand standards. Then, you can begin using it for contextual marketing.

For example, HubSpot’s bot tool allows you to create targeted welcome messages for different pages of your website, or messages that target a particular persona. You can enhance these features by using personalization tokens from your HubSpot CRM.

Over time, your chatbot will learn and store data about your contacts, to improve interactions. Bots can recall past conversations to help propel future discussions forward. A bonus? They don’t get frustrated like humans. They’re willing to answer the most routine questions repeatedly – all while personalizing their responses for each visitor.

Personalized Homepages

Chances are the majority of your website is filled with generic copy on how your business can solve your general buyers’ problems. With HubSpot’s smart content capabilities, you can change your general messaging to align with the needs of your different buyer personas.

So, rather than creating multiple pages to address every possible persona, you can use specific criteria to update your existing pages to provide more-focused content. Like with smart forms, you can change your content to render to specific visitors through these criteria:

  • Country
  • Device type
  • Referral source
  • Preferred language
  • Contact list membership
  • Lifecycle stage

Another critical audience to consider when implementing contextual marketing on your homepage is your first-time visitors. When a new visitor lands on your website, you don’t have some of their critical information listed above, but you can still deliver a unique experience. For instance, you can use the country criteria or the referral source to present something personalized. Then, after you’ve gathered their information and initial activities, you can use their lifecycle stage to display content that reflects where they’re at in their buyers’ journey.

Personalized Landing Pages

Smart content shouldn’t be limited to just your homepage. You can use the same criteria as with your forms and homepages to alter the content and provide a contextual experience. By doing so, you can:

  • Show relevant value to every contact based on their lifecycle stage.
  • Customize your landing page by device.
  • Match a landing page to a paid search campaign.
  • Personalize landing pages based on HubSpot lists.

You can make all these examples more powerful by using personalization tokens. For instance, if a known contact visits your landing page from a paid search campaign, you can include their company name in your body copy. You can also write copy that ties back to that campaign.

Score-Based Offers

If you have a lead scoring system in place, you can use smart content to provide offers that will move users through their journey based on their lead score. This way, they’ll only see your downloaded content that reflects their lifecycle stage. Instead of everyone getting top-of-the-funnel whitepapers, only the right audience will see them. Then, when they reach a different lead score, they’ll begin receiving more appropriate content.

To enhance your results, use CTAs smart, as well. Like everything on this list, you can display a customized CTA to your visitors based on the same criteria mentioned. You can use the data stored on your contact records in HubSpot to display smart CTAs.


Contextual marketing is a great way to ensure your valuable content reaches the right users at the right time. It’s easily achievable through HubSpot’s robust offerings but can trip up even the most experienced marketer at times. If you need help personalizing your website and content, we got you covered. Contact LyntonWeb today!

By: Corie Stark

After spending many years as a sports journalist, Corie switched to marketing in 2013. Her love of writing, talking to people, and keeping up with the industry enables her to use her skills for anything from social media to long-form blogging. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking with her dogs and making her cats chase the ever elusive red dot.

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