Selling Content Marketing To Your CEO - Inbound Marketing Highlights

06/14/2015 3 min read Written by Lynton

B2B-content-marketing-solutionsHi, I'm Roman; and this is Mike. How are you today, inbound friend? 

Here are this week's inbound marketing highlights hand-crafted just for you, straight from the HubSpot oven.  

The 5 Most Meaningful Google Analytics Reports for Social Media - The folks at Buffer offer a nice overview of some powerful reports they use in Google Analytics. Generally, knowing where your social traffic is coming from allows you to focus on those specific channels and also work on channels that you want to grow. Urchins are good for tracking too. The Urchin Tracking Module (UTM),that is, is a best practice way to track specific campaigns by specific parameters.

5 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Be Tracking (But Probably Aren't) - Most important metric here (in my opinion) is total time spent viewing the email especially if it contains a lot of useful content. We all need to move beyond opens and clicks to time spent reading. Device type your audience is using is also relevant. 53% of emails are opened on mobile. Be aware of the images you are using when a majority of your users are mobile.

6 Tips for Communicating Content Marketing ROI to Your Executive Team - Two important concepts I’d like to highlight for you here. One is the notion of sales generated by content. Closed loop marketing is hard. It’s rarely done well. But if you can prove that your content has led to a large deal and justifies your department for the next few years, everybody wins. Secondly, the notion that content marketing takes time and budget should be hounded into executives. Content lift takes 6 months (at least) and ideally should be supported with paid media.

9 Steps To Writing A Kick-Ass Web Design Brief - I really like the ‘Dont’s’ section. What you don’t want to see. And more importantly, what your CEO or other executives don’t want to see. The last thing you want to do is trot out a design laced with a nice hue of green if green if green makes the CEO weep like a baby. Inspiration sites are important, too. We always like to see sites our clients like.

Memo to Twitter's next CEO: Save our service from the meddlers - I agree here. Let Twitter be Twitter. Twitter isn’t Facebook. Twitter has depth, Twitter breaks news, Twitter let’s you speak directly to people. I do think Twitter should have not gone public. It is now beholden to others.

Have a wonderful week you inbound marketing rock star! 



By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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