Four Things You Need in Your 2015 Marketing Budget

10/15/2014 3 min read Written by Lynton

With 2014 coming to close, it’s time to look back at the year as marketers and evaluate the success of our efforts and how we’re structuring 2015 goals. With that we need to consider the cost of getting the most out of our marketing and the resources we’d like to put in place connect with our audience and generate leads. Knowing how much money you are allocating to your marketing budget sets you up for success in 2015. But where do you even start? What elements are important or required? Let's talk about it. Here are four key components to consider when setting up your marketing budget for 2015.

Website Redesign

Far too often websites sit for 4+ years untouched, an afterthought in the marketing conversation. A healthy website is the backbone of your digital presence and a key component of your marketing. Technology is evolving and the expectations of your audience changing. Keeping up with the changes in design and CMS capabilities is a necessity not an afterthought. A well-designed website is a game changer for the success of your marketing. Responsive design and website personalization are no longer optional when it comes to your website. Whether you need to redesign your current site or just want a little refresh, being prepared with money to spend will keep you ahead of the game. It's harder to make a request for larger spend later in the year. Planning for website work helps your website stay fresh and effective at lead generation.

Paid Media

While I’m a firm believer in the value of inbound marketing and organic leads, sometimes you need to get more eyes on your message with paid media. Setting aside funds for PPC, Google advertising, or sponsored social media should be part of your overall marketing strategy and budget. Planning a product launch? Looking to make massive gains in site visitors or generate more blog readers? Setting aside funding supports your goals associated with audience reach and growth. A big push behind social media reach or a product announcement can be planned for with a few dollars budget to help you reach your marketing goals.


Technology changes daily. Being prepared with a budget to introduce new technology into your marketing program can be an absolute game changer. We all know there is a multitude of tools available and at a variety of price points. Matching the appropriate technology to your marketing program is like adding air to your bike’s tires. It can influence the growth of your audience and lead generation. Want a more advanced content organization system like Uberflip? Ready to introduce marketing scheduling software like HubSpot? Interested in getting a more in depth understanding of keywords with SEMrus. Be ready with budget set aside to hone your approach with the support of these technologies.


As marketers we all wear many hats and have a healthy amount of responsibility. Having budget dollars set aside for support can be life saving. Support can be the bandwidth you need to grow and scale. Having budget allocated to supporting your team can. Looking for consulting on a CRM integration? Need help implementing a large campaign? Blog content lacking? Ready to hire an internal marketer to support the growth of your team? Budget set aside can range for a few hours on the phone or a full time hire and being prepared in advance will set you up for a successful year.

The hard work and thought you put into your 2015 marketing budget can set the stage for a successful year for your marketing team and your company. Maybe it’s the year for a website redesign? Perhaps your department is in the position to hire a new member or just get some additional consulting support for that new CRM integration you’re planning. Take a close look at the goals you're setting for the year including the team, tools, and technologies you need to get there. Planning your 2015 budget is the first step in aligning your marketing plan and your marketing spend. 

By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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