How CMOs Use Inbound - Inbound Marketing Highlights

06/21/2015 2 min read Written by Lynton

CMOHi, I'm Roman; and this is Mike. Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there! 

Here are this week's inbound marketing highlights hand-crafted just for you, straight from our HubSpot oven.

4 Keys To A Sustainable Content Marketing Strategy - What I like here is the nod to SMS relative to content strategy. Think of the high percentage of text messages you personally open. Almost all of them probably. Building a content strategy that communicates your brand via text can be very valuable. Secondly, there is data visualization. The more you can use your own data to paint a compelling picture of your solution the more powerful that solution will become. 

5 things every web designer needs to know about CSS - a little bit of code talk here. Point #4 - to study businesses before code is relevant. Let the business process drive the coding of a website or app. Don’t let the coding force the business to change. So many times cool coding tricks serve to degrade an effective business process that has been working for years.

91% of Retail Brands Use Two or More Social Media Channels - Don’t put all of your social media eggs in one basket. Not every single one of your customers will be on Facebook. Even if they are they may not be a heavy user of the Facebook or another social channel you are targeting. Using multiple media channels also lets you test different headlines and graphics. What may work well on Facebook may bomb on Twitter.

4 ways Fortune 500 CMOs leverage inbound marketing - the first point is one we regularly recommend to get the inbound marketing ball rolling - get budget from somewhere else. Perhaps you have a campaign that is underperforming. Carve out some budget from that campaign to use on inbound activities. It’s a low risk way to achieve a quick inbound win without a huge CEO sell or internal push to change the way marketing is done.

Four First-Date Tips... Applied to Email Marketing - a fun read and on target as it compares to evaluating emails with first dates. The idea of second chances - sending emails to users who have not opened them is useful. There are many stuffed email boxes and the second time may be the charm when it comes to emails. 

Have a wonderful week you inbound marketing rock star! 

By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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