CRM, project management tools, marketing automation technology, and social media platforms. So many tools. What about when it becomes less helpful and just a lot of passwords, formats, and data entry? I have to admit, I am not a details person. I think about the end result, the big goal and how we make connections along the way.
When it comes to working with clients I’m all about building that relationship and making sure that I am always being helpful. Having too many tools to rely on is cumbersome, inefficient, and keeps me from focusing on that relationship being built. HubSpot has been at it again, working over the past year to make that relationship building easier as the reliance on old sales methodologies give way to inbound marketing and sales
"The traditional sales process is broken. Instead of "always be closing," the next generation of sales leads will 'always be helping,'” -Brian Halligan, HubSpot CEO.
Announcing two NEW HubSpot Tools!
HubSpot CRM and Sidekick are about to make your lives easier, the sales process more insightful, your inbox more intuitive, and the buyer’s experience highly personalized. It’s new, it’s coming to you in 2015, and it’s changing the way sales and marketing are done. Let’s talk about some of the key features and why you need to be the first in line to sign up.
Integrated with your HubSpot Database
Same data, same database. HubSpot is full of data on your contacts, what they have read, how they are interacting with your content. What better than to connect that content with your CRM - seamlessly! No more expensive integrations or cumbersome data entry, it’s all connected and ready to make your life easier. Even better than that, it gives you background information about contacts and companies. Being relevant in the sales process is huge, personalization is key to a trusted relationship HubSpot CRM makes this possible.
Staying organized is an important aspect of being successful and connecting with people at the right moment in the buying process. Timeline is going to keep you on track, manage the details, and help you organize your day. No need to put one note in your calendar, another in your CRM, and yet another in your project management tool. It’s all in one intuitive place.
Recorded Phone Calls and Logged Emails
This is literally the cat’s pajamas. With a phone right in your CRM, you can make calls and have them recorded (optional of course). I know taking notes furiously while on a sales call isn’t always ideal, being half distracted by my poor penmanship while I’m trying to develop that trusted relationship. CRM will manage this for you. Boom, life is easier. Oh, you need your emails logged too? Yeah, HubSpot CRM has your back.
All of the Email Support You Have Dreamt of- Say hello to Sidekick
So we talked about HubSpot CRM and you’re thinking, woah. Where do I sign up!? But wait for it. They also announced another product that matches HubSpot CRM in awesomeness and is designed to make your email inbox easier. Again, another product to make your life easier and the connection with your buyer even stronger. HubSpot supports this evolution of the sales process away from a outdated sales shark to a helpful advisor who just wants to help shoppers make the right buying decision. This tool is called Sidekick.
Sidekick is just as it sounds - like having a personal assistant to manage your email and make sure you know your leads and potential buyers. Again, it’s all about making your lives easier (remember all of those details I’m so bad at tracking), but also to genuinely understand the needs of your buyers, connecting with them and with the right information. It’s the Robin to your Batman, the June to your Johnny, the jelly to your peanut butter. No great act exists without the support of a secondary player to keep it all going forward. Here are few awesome features that you need to know about.
Insights from Your Email and Your Browser
Sidekick follows you throughout your day, keeping track of of all of the research you have done on companies and and contacts, both on the web and within your inbox. Why does this help? I sure need support remembering what I’ve learned and connecting the dots between emails and google searching.
Notification of when your email is read
This may be my favorite feature of all features. Don’t you hate it when you send an email to a prospect and get that “well, down the black hole it went” feeling. Not with Sidekick. Now you are notified when an email has been read and you can respond appropriately. No need to guess if prospects have read your content, or even visited your website. It helps you gauge how interested they are and how to manage your activity.
Help Scheduling Timely Emails
You have a call with a great prospect and you’re excited to continue the conversation. But you’re concerned getting back to them too soon may scare them off. Sidekick takes the stress out of scheduling follow up emails right from within your inbox. Write the email, schedule it for later. Now you are in control of exactly when they are getting your email (and you can see if they read it).
HubSpot CRM with Sidekick - I think I’m in love. HubSpot is ever evolving and making sales and marketing more closely aligned and more reflective of the way people buy. Gone are the days of cold calling, aggressive sales pitches, and guess work. HubSpot is giving you your day back, making tools that are seamless and data driven, and supporting the sales person and the buying process.
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