What do HubSpot and the Number 445 Have in Common? - Inbound Marketing Highlights

05/10/2015 3 min read Written by Lynton

445Hi, I'm Roman; and this is Mike. How was your inbound marketing week? Happy Mother's Day! 

This week's highlights hand-crafted just for you, straight from the HubSpot oven. 

Don’t Sleep on Content Marketing - This is where content marketing is headed next. The media outlet:

“Take startup mattress brand Casper, for example. The company is currently hiring journalists and gearing up to start its own standalone Web publication about sleep. The site doesn’t have a name or a URL yet, but it’s slated to launch later this spring.”

Note the choice of words here - a standalone web publication. Not a website. We are talking a publishing arm here that wants to own the conversation around sleep. This is the future, inbound friends. It’s less about publishing 'x' blogs 'x' times a week and more about being a source for an industry or topic. Owning a conversation on a subject is much different than publishing blog topics on a subject.

What industry do you want to own the conversation in? Create an organization around that conversation. A current client of ours wants to own the conversation around background screening. They have an in-house video studio, a professional journalist on staff and an internal content creation program with bonuses available for employees who regularly contribute content. That's a path towards owning a conversation. 

10 Incredible Inbound Marketing Statistics - The one statistic that stands out to me here is that 93% of buying cycles start online. With a search. Rank well in search and the rest will follow. And what helps you rank well in search? Owning the conversation on a particular topic - like (see above) sleep. And if 93% of people looking to buy products and services start on the web, why wouldn’t you want to meet them where they are?

Designers And Developers: No Longer A House Divided - We see this a lot at LyntonWeb; the intermingling of talents in our graphic and development groups. Rob, who heads our design department, understands aesthetics and trends. Ian, our developer extraordinaire knows what’s possible in HubSpot and how best to make code Google friendly. And Samatha, our dev manager, makes sure all relevant info flows easily between graphics and dev. Rob and Ian pay attention to each other and solicit feedback from Samantha to assure we are creating the best solution for our clients. It’s pointless to throw design or code over the wall. It simply creates more work for everyone involved.

7 Top Authors Talk Twitter Tips and Social Media's Effects on Literature - It’s always beneficial to see how non-social media professionals use social media - especially authors and content creators. Some familiar refrains here. I do like what Johnathan Evinson says about enjoying the process and being humble. Social Media is not about you, it’s what you bring with you.

HubSpot Q1 $38M Beats Estimates, Average Customer Pays $9.7K Annually - HubSpot continues to rock. 15,000 customers can’t be wrong. The nugget here - HubSpot ranks 445th in U.S. search - a testament to the content engine HubSpot is.

It's May! Have yourself a wonderful day! Thanks to all the Moms out there! 



Photo Credit: ancawonka via Compfight cc
By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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