Why Inbound Certification Matters - Inbound Marketing Highlights
04/26/2015 • 3 min read • Written by Lynton
Hi, I'm Roman; and this is Mike. How was your inbound marketing week?
This week's highlights hand-crafted just for you, straight from the HubSpot oven.
PPC Vs Inbound Marketing – Which One Works Best? - The answer is 1) both 2) it depends. Many clients have come to us wanting ‘instant’ lift. Results within a few short months. That’s not possible simply through inbound and organic efforts. There will be a lift. But it will likely not meet the lofty expectations of the client. For instant lift we typically recommend PPC efforts. PPC meets the buyer at the end of their journey - close to purchase. Couple that with relevant content and an optimized landing page and you have a recipe for higher conversion rates and more leads.
Google Made Mobile-Friendliness Mandatory—Is Your Website Making the Cut? - This was the week of Mobilegeddon. Even if you haven’t been paying attention, use Google’s call for mobile friendliness as a trigger for action. The pick up the phone and get your website mobile friendly type of action. The good thing about Mobilegeddon is that it’s real-time. If your site isn’t mobile friendly today but is tomorrow,Google will recognize that quickly. Maybe not the same day but faster than it has recognized changes with the Panda or Penguin algorithms.
How to Actually Get Found in Search in 2015 [Infographic] - Solid insights here. What industry are you in or associated with? And how does search work in your industry? The travel industry is very search intense. If I want to go to Punta Cana I’ll search for that along with ‘flights.’ Conversely, if you’re in the finance industry folks rely less heavily on search. Perhaps, if they are investors, they prefer going to directly to sites like Vanguard or Merrill Lynch. With Google tailoring search results based on individual user search history there are literally as many customized search results as there are searches.
Hubspot inbound marketing certification – waste of time or valuable pursuit? - Here’s why certification matters. Would you see a Doctor who didn’t have an MD or DO behind their name? Or a lawyer who wasn’t a Juris Doctor? Certifications matter. MD, PMP, SAP, Microsoft - all certifications serve to elevate and standardize the experience being delivered. By offering certifications in inbound, content, and COS, HubSpot standardizes the knowledge needed and raises the bar for those entering the playing field.
Facebook Updates News Feed Algorithm to Balance Content From Friends Vs. Pages - Facebook will allow multiple posts from the same source in a user’s newsfeed who may not initially have that much content available to them. This seems designed to encourage user action whether it’s adding a larger variety of content or clicking on the content they do see. Facebook is also aiming to have a better balance of news and friend updates in their news feeds. This move looks to address criticism that Facebook is becoming more focused on advertisers over the user experience. Long term effects remain to be seen.
It's almost May! Go have yourself a wonderful day!
Photo Credit: Will Folsom via Compfight cc
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