Inbound Marketing Highlights - Focus, Growling, and Client Knowledge

06/01/2014 2 min read Written by Lynton


Sunday, Sunday, Sunday inbound marketing nation! Welcome to Sunday's Inbound Marketing Highlights with Mike and Roman. Can you believe it's June? Time for your mid-year marketing review. 

Our articles this week: 

  1. Are You Focused?
  2. How to Plug the Holes in Your Content Funnel That Are Costing You Money
  3. 50+ Things You Should Learn About Your Client
  4. Users Are Growling About Apps That Require Facebook
  5. Can Your Social Data Be Used to Develop Email Campaigns?

Are You Focused? - Jeff Bullas

A good article reminding us not to be distracted by every shiny new object or idea. Distraction can lead to inaction. As Nike says, "Just Do It."

How to Plug the Holes in Your Content Funnel That Are Costing You Money - copyblogger

Excellent read on using buyer personas and qualitative content audits to move your potential customers through the funnel. 

50+ Things You Should Learn About Your Client - Moz

Whether you are in sales or client service, this article offers a comprehensive overview of information you should know when interacting with your (potential) client. There is a downloadable cheat sheet at the end - definitely get that. 

Users Are Growling About Apps That Require Facebook - readwrite

More data supporting growing Facebook fatigue and privacy concerns. Backlash on apps that require Facebook logins continues. Why would you ever require another company's product to use your product? 

Can Your Social Data Be Used to Develop Email Campaigns? - SimplyMeasured

Insightful ideas on how testing social media content can guide your email campaigns. Very instructive.

Welcome to June Inbound Nation! Have a wonderful week.


By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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