Inbound Marketing Highlights - Make Them Fall in Love...

02/22/2015 1 min read Written by Lynton

Hi, I'm Roman; and this is Mike. How was your inbound marketing week? 

Some articles for you:

How User Generated Content Marketing Is Helping America Discover New, Creative Talent - HuffPost

"According to Forrester, only 14 percent of US consumers trust an ad created by a brand compared to 48 percent of users who trust the words, pictures and videos created by other consumers."

Do your best to help generate user generated content (UGC).

How to Make Your Customers Fall in Love With You - Salesforce

"Similarly, single channel approaches to customer conversations won’t work in today’s ‘always connected’ or omni-channel world. That’s why our customers put great consideration into ensuring that mobile works alongside conventional online and even bricks and mortar channels to deliver seamless experiences."

That conversation needs to be continued everywhere.

Twitter Advances Account Sharing with TweetDeck - Zacks

A nice addition to Twitter’s toolbox.

See you next week, friend. By the way - interested in a free website? 

By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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