LyntonWeb Awarded HubSpot's 'Partner of the Quarter' for Second Consecutive Quarter

11/19/2018 2 min read Written by Jenny Traster

Houston, TX (November 20, 2018) - LyntonWeb has been named Partner of the Quarter for North America by HubSpot for the third quarter of 2018. This is the second consecutive quarter the inbound marketing agency has been awarded the Partner of the Quarter designation. In August, HubSpot announced LyntonWeb as the Partner of Quarter for the second quarter of 2018.

See More: LyntonWeb Named HubSpot’s Partner of the Quarter

Winning an Impact Award, especially the performance-based Partner of the Quarter, is a considerable achievement for a HubSpot agency. It recognizes partners within their region with the highest sold MRR with close dates within the quarter. Deals include:

  • Marketing Add-On Upgrade
  • Marketing New
  • Sales Seat Upgrade
  • Sales New
  • Marketing Additional URL
  • Marketing Cross-Sell
  • Sales Cross-Sell
  • Marketing Starter Upgrade
  • Sales Edition Upgrade
  • Service New
  • Service Set Upgrades
  • Service Hub Cross-Sell

The award is not only a testament of sold MRR, but recognizes the agency's commitment to help companies onboard and optimize their HubSpot Growth Stack with integrated inbound solutions.  

"We are honored to be recognized as a top ranking inbound marketing agency in 2018. I'm proud of our team and grateful for our customers that have made our success and growth possible," said Daniel Lynton, Founder and CEO of LyntonWeb. "HubSpot's innovation in the marketplace and drive for customer delight inspires us to reach bigger heights in the year ahead."

In addition to inbound marketing and website redesign services, LyntonWeb offers CRM integrations and sales enablement, helping more than 500 companies increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their HubSpot Growth Stack. 

About LyntonWeb

With its marketing, design and HubSpot integration services, the goal of LyntonWeb is to drive client success by making data-focused decisions. LyntonWeb has been on the cutting edge of inbound since its inception in 1999. With a passion for technology as its foundation and success, LyntonWeb has become one of the few agencies that practices closed loop and integrated inbound marketing in a highly competitive landscape.

LyntonWeb is poised to continue delivering exceptional results to its clients, with a dedication to personalized service and achieving tangible results. For more information or a marketing, design or integration consultation, contact LyntonWeb today.

By: Jenny Traster

With a love of HubSpot dating back to 2010, Jenny works with clients to put the pieces of the inbound marketing puzzle together, from content marketing and social media management to demand generation and lead nurturing. When she’s not digging through data or reading the latest in social media trends, you’re most likely to find her traveling, practicing yoga or hiking with her dogs in the great outdoors.

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