The Single Best Thing I Learned At Inbound 2013 Is...
08/28/2013 • 2 min read • Written by Lynton
We're finally settling back in to the groove of things at the Lynton Corral. We've had a slew of follow ups and questions to answer so we are working through those. We also wanted to compose a list of some of the best takeaways each of us of had from Inbound 2013. So here it is:
Arianna Huffington telling me to "Live life like everything is rigged in your favor" certainly struck a chord with me, and it is something that I will probably apply to my daily life for years to come. No matter what curve balls life throws at you in your career or personal life, reminding yourself of that quote puts everything into perspective. Maybe you believe everything happens for a reason, maybe you don't, but having a good attitude despite your circumstances can make a world of difference.
Odd is good. And when you are being completely genuine, you are letting your oddities shine. Your genuine nature will show that you are different and attract people that appreciate those differences (and scare away those who aren’t the best fit for you). Two of my favorite sessions, from @randfish and @ThisIsSethsBlog, led me to this revelation.
Inbound applies everywhere! Inbound allows us to focus on being more human with our marketing - which is great because everyone loves companies who are actually acting like humans. In my favorite session, @Mallikarjunan put together some great examples of how e-commerce could learn a few things from inbound marketing.
At the core of your marketing, be a teacher. When meeting with Mike Volpe one-on-one, I asked him what he would do if he could do something other than his current job. His answer? He’d be a teacher. My initial reaction was, well that makes sense. After reflecting it made so much sense because that is what inbound marketers do every day; we teach. Regardless of what industry you are marketing in, you are teaching visitors, leads and customers something. Always keep that in mind and never stop trying to help.
Even though inbound marketing seems huge to us since we spend every day living in it, it's still at the very beginning of its growth curve and still has huge potential ahead.
So how about you? What is the single best thing you got out of Inbound this year...
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