Is Web Design Truly Dead? - Inbound Marketing Highlights
07/12/2015 • 3 min read • Written by Lynton
Hi, I'm Roman; and this is Mike. Welcome, fellow inbounder.
Here are this week's inbound marketing highlights hand-crafted just for you, straight from our HubSpot oven.
Comparing the ROI of Content Marketing and Native Advertising - A Harvard study compared content marketing and native advertising and found that content marketing came out ahead on the ROI front. What I found most useful is the 2x2 grid comparing the two marketing approaches. The real knock on native advertising (in my opinion) is that it’s really not designed to generate leads and it’s difficult to scale native ads since you are typically limited to one publisher. Take a look at the grid, I think you’ll like it.
Facebook forces some to shift social media game plan - Another reminder of Facebook’s pay to play stance all under the guise of a better user experience. A small business that used to be able to reach 50,000 users now must pay to reach a small portion of those users. I’m certainly not suggesting your business quit Facebook but you should understand that you’ll likely have to invest some budget to achieve marketing success on the platform. We have seen significant bumps in traffic with as little as a $75 per day marketing spend on Facebook with some of our clients.
Web design is dead - a provocative read on the templatization and automation of web design with some very relevant points. Smart content is what matters now. Specifically, where your visitor is in the buyer journey. If you’re not buying, then it’s the context of the activity that matters. It’s also about UX for the omnichannel experience. How a user experiences your brand across an app or mobile or even radio and television.
Top 5 Inbound Marketing Metrics You Should Be Measuring - the first one is really the only one that matters - new business from inbound activities. Close-loop marketing analytics. ROI. Show me the money. It’s really why all inbound marketers do what they do. Unfortunately, it’s a very difficult thing to do - whether it’s because of a lack of CRM integration or good sales data or simple lack of direction. If you’re a marketing VP - start with the one goal of showing inbound business and let that goal drive all your efforts.
Here is G2 Crowd’s top marketing automation platform - Go HubSpot! HubSpot ranked first in both user experience and market presence. The cool thing about about the way G2 does these reports is that they are based on data - no black box analysis. You’re able to see the breakdown of HubSpot and its competitors all in one place.
Have a wonderful week you inbound marketing rock star!
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