Would You Scale a Mountain For Your Favorite Brand? - Inbound Marketing Highlights

08/05/2018 4 min read Written by Lynton

How much do you love your favorite brand? Would you be willing to climb a mountain for their products? The North Face is banking on their following of outdoor enthusiasts and thrill seekers to do just that. Learn more about this story as well as SEO, social media apps, and back to school marketing below.

mountain climber

New North Face Pop-Up Shop is in the Italian Alps

“Never Stop Exploring.” This is the iconic slogan of the outdoor activewear brand, The North Face. In their newest campaign, they have made a pop-up shop and showroom that is located in the middle of the Italian Alps. The experience is only reachable by foot, so in order to see it, fans have to be willing to quite literally, scale a mountain. The collection in the shop is limited edition products, motivating their authentic consumers to go the extra mile. Additionally, proceeds of the shop will benefit the Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini (SAT), an Italian mountain climbing association, providing even more incentive for fans to make the trek. See the promo video and some images of the tent here.

SEO Rated the "Least Popular Digital Marketing Channel"

According to a recent study, SEO is the “least popular digital marketing channel” used among most organizations. The survey polled over 500 marketers from companies with 100+ employees and revenues from $50-500+ million. What they found was that only 44% of businesses spend time or money on search engine optimization, which seems remarkably low. According to Clutch, this may because businesses and the marketers within them, don’t understand SEO. Additionally, SEO results aren’t “immediately obvious” and take time to kick in. 

While search engine optimization wasn't found to be a priority, the survey also showed that companies' top marketing objective was to “increase sales and revenue.” With this objective in mind, It's strange that most businesses are not using SEO. Search has historically accomplished this objective better than any other digital channel (aside from maybe email.)

Even more interesting was that only 11% of marketers said they were aiming to “increase website traffic.” This finding was odd as well since website visits convert into leads, who later turn into customers! 

See AlsoSEO 101: What You Need to Know to Get Started

Retaining Customers through Email

As marketers, we all know that keeping a customer costs less than obtaining new ones. Yet many of us still aren’t focusing our efforts on retention. Well, this article gives you many different email tactics for retention marketing. Interestingly, repeat customers are not only loyal; they also generate the most revenue overtime. So how to we keep our customers around?

1. The first tip would be to segment your customers by behavior demographics. This way the content you provide to them will be highly relevant and more enjoyable to read.

2. Engage your customer with a welcome email to introduce yourself and help them better understand your brand.

3. Send nurturing emails followed by a promotional email.

4. If you find a customer has abandoned their cart, you can send a separate email reminding them to finish their transaction.

5. Lastly, remember to keep all of these emails personalized but not pushy. You can read more about email retention campaigns here.

Essential Social Media Marketing Apps for Your Smartphone

If your company is on social media, it is important for someone to be monitoring customer interactions at all times. While checking the official apps, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, can help you watch over your brand, there is more that you can be doing for your strategy,  all from the convenience of your smartphone. Here are 3 social media apps:

1.) Iconosquare- manage your Instagram strategy through content planning and scheduling. Through this app you can manage multiple accounts, posting, and optimizing, while analyzing your performance from mobile devices. View analytics while saving hashtags and putting aside content for later.

2.) BeLive.tv- use live video to stand out in increasingly competitive algorithms and broadcast from anywhere at anytime.

3.) Adobe Spark Post- create designed graphics from your phone. The app offers templates, ideas, design features, and animated effects to grab attention.

Read the full article for 15 more social media apps.

Back to School Data for Back to School Marketing

August…. aka back to school season is a stressful time not only for parents, students, and retail employees, but also for marketers. According to the Nation Retail Federation, this shopping season is expected to bring in almost $83 billion. So how can stores break off a piece of this back to school pie? Firstly, they can use this year’s data to learn to market to consumers. What sizes were popular last year? Were more boy or girl items purchased? Marketers should also look at this year’s current data for optimal results. Refer to cart abandonment and browsing data in order to target these people with campaigns and special promotions. Lastly, leverage trends for the rest of the year. Back to school data can also be used during the holidays to analyze which product trends and preferences are popular this year. Don’t forget to retarget these back to school shoppers as well!

That's this week in Inbound Marketing Highlights! Stop by next week for more.

By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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