Do the Numbers

A Reverse Funnel Calculator That Helps You Meet Your Goals

Why Use the Reverse Funnel Calculator?

How many website visitors do you need to meet your revenue goal for the year? It can be difficult for marketers to create and convey realistic goals, but it doesn’t have to be. Using either your historical conversion rate data or standard benchmark conversion rates, our reverse funnel calculator will take the guesswork out of exactly how many visitors you need to keep your sales pipeline full. 

Work on this activity with your sales team because they can provide data about past opportunities and customer closes. Then, you'll be able to set goals based on historical data that will better align with your sales team, determine a marketing budget, and make more informed business decisions.

How to Use the Reverse Funnel Calculator

INSTRUCTIONS:  Input all percentages as decimals. We've helped you get started by inputting standard benchmark conversion rates. Click "Calculate" to be taken to your results.