3 Ways A HubSpot Agency Can Help You

08/21/2014 3 min read Written by Lynton

HubSpot Marketing HelpYou’ve been working hard at creating content and building audience engagement. But with every report you pull you realize you aren’t seeing the results that reflect how hard you’ve been working. You know HubSpot and you know your business, but what about those times when you get stuck? Or wish you had another hand or extra hours in the day to get it all done. Here’s a few ways to leverage a marketing agency to support your already awesome efforts and partner in making your marketing program a success:

1. HubSpot Support

HubSpot is great, and you’ve been a big fan since you started using their marketing software last year. You get their emails, see the feature updates pop up in your dashboard, and get excited for the big reveal at their yearly conference. But wow, things are happening so fast that it gets a bit challenging to keep up with. As the saying goes, change is the only constant, and that is true for your marketing software. Your HubSpot marketing consultant eats and breathes HubSpot and they are there to help! Need a bit of help with building a landing page? Not quite sure how to segment the right list and put a together an appropriate workflow? No problem! With every update and new feature HubSpot releases, they are ready to share their knowledge and help you make the most out of your HubSpot investment

2. Writers Block and Content Challenges

We’ve all been there, sitting in front of our computer screen without any idea of what to write for the blog that’s due by the end of the day. Brutal. My palms are sweaty just thinking about it. This is a great opportunity to bring some fresh eyes (and minds) into the mix. One thing your consultant can do is come up with persona targeted blog ideas. We do this in our sleep, it’s like a 6th sense. Having a consulting session to talk through content ideas and put strategy together with a content calendar can do the trick and get you through a roadblock. Strategy is vital to content marketing success, and having some extra support can make the difference.

3. Making Sense of the Numbers

You are working hard and that’s awesome. But what if you don’t quite know how to measure the results and show that ROI to your boss? Having extra help looking at the results and cut through the data may be all the support you need. We all know bosses are visual and data driven. There are different ways to get the best view on your marketing and target your goals to determine success. Bring in a HubSpot marketer to put together a report your boss will love. They can also help you analyze the success of your program and show you where to make changes. You look good and your marketing results are easy to understand. It’s a win win situation.

You know your business, HubSpot, and digital marketing. Sometimes you just need that little extra push, extra expertise, or another set of eyes on your goals. Utilizing a HubSpot marketing consultant can ease the writers block, technology questions, or reporting challenges that come up in your job. You ask a personal trainer when you need help honing your workouts, call a mechanic when your car is making a strange noise. Why not call a HubSpot marketer with your HubSpot and marketing questions?

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By: Lynton

Lynton is a HubSpot Elite Partner that provides certified knowledge and tools to grow your business through integrated inbound marketing, including lead generation strategies, website designs and development, and CRM integrations.

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